With her investments in new drug developments, Meneldor supports humans, and human health. Meneldor believes that healthy living is only possible on a healthy planet in a healthy environment. Through The Meneldor Foundation, Meneldor contributes to a healthy environment by supporting nature, and more specifically biodiversity.
Everywhere in the world the pressure of human activity on nature and biodiversity is immense and increasing every day. Good willing nature protection organizations and volunteers are up against the very powerful drivers of economic development and the desire of all humans to have better and better live styles. Fortunately, there are numerous good organizations supporting nature with smart projects, but in our opinion these organizations need to do much more to really create a change in the way we exploit the planet. Therefore, The Meneldor Foundation wishes to support these organizations financially and sustainably. Organizations that work on nature conservation, and on initiatives to change the way we exploit our planet; for example, organizations that work on nature-inclusive economy projects.
The Meneldor Foundation contributes to nature and biodiversity by building a sound foundation base-capital, which financial return after investment is used to finance organizations that support the preservation of the world’s biodiversity. For the start, The Meneldor Foundation has selected two great organizations that we believe know well where and how to spend money best: BirdLife International and Panthera.
These two partner organizations both wish to see a world where nature and people live in greater harmony, more equitably and sustainably. BirdLife International strives to conserve birds, their habitats and global biodiversity, working with people towards sustainability in the use of natural resources.
Panthera’s mission is to ensure a future for wild cats and the vast landscapes on which they depend. Its vision is a world where wild cats thrive in healthy, natural, and developed landscapes that sustain people and biodiversity.
The Meneldor Foundation is a lean organization and will not build up staff for investing her capital, nor for selecting and managing projects that it supports. The Meneldor Foundation will leave selection and management of projects to the supported partner organizations. For investment of her capital The Meneldor Foundation will rely on Meneldor and will co-invest alongside Meneldor. Meneldor is a young ambitious Biopharma focused fund with a long horizon and strives for a minimal three times return on capital. The Meneldor Foundation does not pay a management fee, nor a success fee to Meneldor. In this way the return on the invested capital of The Meneldor Foundation can be maximally spend on supporting the Foundation’s goals. The foundation is run by Meneldor, which also bears all costs of the foundation.
The Meneldor Foundation is governed by an independent Supervisory Board. Three independent members, of which one will be the chairman, and additionally the two founders of The Meneldor Foundation will form the Board of The Meneldor Foundation. The Board’s main role is to oversee and support the effective implementation of The Meneldor foundation’ strategy and to ensure the Foundation conducts its operations and manages its finances in accordance with best practice and according to the applicable rules. All persons directly involved in The Meneldor Foundation will meet with the integrity requirements for non-profit Public Benefit Organizations.
The Meneldor Foundation started to donate to projects in 2020. The plan is to gradually grow the foundation’s base-capital through donations, and to become an ever more important, valuable supporter of the world’s biodiversity. Donations to the base-capital of The Meneldor Foundation will assure long future return for the causes its supports. The Meneldor Foundation will accept donations from investors and supporters.
The Meneldor Foundation is currently developing her organization: properly structuring the organization and filing for being a Dutch non-profit Public Benefit Organization (ANBI); filling in the three open Board positions; creating her own website; and finding ten co-founding partners/donors. We hope to report progress soon! A detailed policy plan is available for seriously interested partners.